
Welcome to IUMRS-ICA 2014

Atsushi SUZUKI

The 15th IUMRS-ICA (International Union of Materials Research Societies, International Conference in Asia) will be held in Fukuoka, Japan from 24th to 28th August 2014, organized by the MRS-Japan. This is one of the series of the IUMRS-conferences hosted by the Asian MRS Members, C-MRS, MRS-I, MRS-J, MRS-K, MRS-S and MRS-T, the most recent of which were held in Singapore (2009), Qingdao (2010), Taipei (2011), Busan (2012) and Bangalore (2013). The IUMRS-ICA2014 aims to bring together materials scientists and engineers from various countries in Asia and across the world. The main objectives are to provide a unique opportunity of discussion concerning recent progresses in different aspects of advanced materials and strengthen the linkage between academy and industry.

The IUMRS-ICA2014 consists in scientific symposia and forums on specific topics, a wide exhibition and various collateral events. Particular attention in this conference will be held to various issues on the eco-technology and sustainability, both to respect the environment. Nowadays these aspects are more and more important in Asia both to save energy and natural resources by means of innovation in the field of materials science and technology.

The venue of the conference is the capital city of Fukuoka Prefecture and is situated on the northern shore of the island of Kyushu in Japan. Fukuoka is one of Japan's ten most populated cities. Because of its closeness to the Asian mainland, Fukuoka has been an important harbor city for many centuries. We look forward to welcoming you to Fukuoka where you will have the opportunity to enjoy an exciting scientific conference in a rich cultural and historical setting.

Conference Chairperson of IUMRS-ICA 2014

Atsushi SUZUKI (President of MRS-Japan)

Atsushi SUZUKI